Victor Gamolsky

Strategy & Tech

He co-founded a MetaVerse company, Roomful, and served as the CTO of a BPM Company, Database Republic.

Victor Gamolsky

About Victor

As a business process expert, Victor has extensive knowledge and experience in analyzing, designing, and implementing effective processes that improve organizational efficiency and productivity. He specializes in identifying process bottlenecks and implementing solutions to improve workflow. At openEXA, Victor is busy designing the business workflow for the movement of real world assets into crypto markets.

Victor's Experience

Victor brings 10 years of experience with Lean Startup tools such as Customer Development, Business Model Generation, and Blue Ocean strategy, to name a few. He co-founded a MetaVerse company, Roomful, and served as the CTO of a BPM Company, Database Republic. Victor graduated from a top university in Russia with a degree in Nuclear Physics. Upon arriving in Silicon Valley, he immersed himself in the innovative startup culture and has since dedicated his professional life to bringing new ideas to life.

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Victor Gamolsky

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