Sreeram Kannan


Sreeram Kannan is the founder and CEO of Eigen Layer and director of UW's Blockchain Lab.

Sreeram Kannan

About Sreeram

Sreeram Kannan is the founder and CEO of Eigen Layer and the director of the University of Washington's Blockchain Lab. His research at UW focuses on distributed computing, information theory, queuing theory, networking, coding theory, and game theory of blockchain systems. Eigen Layer is a proof of stake validation marketplace that reuses state capital and existing validation infrastructure. With Eigen Layer. Ethereum can enable permissionless and modular innovation across all blockchain layers. He is a 2021 National-Academy-of-Engineering Frontiers-of-engineering speaker at the US-Japan bilateral meet, a recipient of the 2019 UW ECE outstanding teaching award, 2017 NSF Faculty Early CAREER award, the 2013 Van Valkenburg outstanding dissertation award from UIUC, a co-recipient of the 2010 Qualcomm Cognitive Radio Contest first prize, a recipient of 2010 Qualcomm (CTO) Roberto Padovani outstanding intern award, a recipient of the SVC Aiya medal from the Indian Institute of Science.

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Sreeram Kannan

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