Barnet Sherman

Market Analyst

A Trader and Portfolio Manager at Morgan Stanley and TIAA-CREF, Founder of Braintree Capital, a hedge fund.

Barnet Sherman

About Barnet

Barnet Sherman is Wall Street's own Impact Investor & Strategist. He founded and ran hedge funds, managed multi-billion-dollar pension portfolios. Guest lectured at Columbia University, Boston University School of Law and the Duke University School of Law. He is a regular contributor to Forbes. His insights into the financial market come from the extensive investment career advising to and making investments for pensions funds, mutual funds, insurance companies, and investment advisors.

Barnet's Experience

Barnet was a Trader and Portfolio Manager at Morgan Stanley and TIAA-CREF, Founder of Braintree Capital, a hedge fund, as well as head of Bond Research at Thompson & Reuters, and a fin-tech startup Neighborly Investments. His columns running their tenth year on Forbes, his views on the financial market featured across the financial news outlets such as CNBC, INC, Bloomberg, The New York Times, and Wall Street Journal. He has been recognized by Who's Who in America, Who's Who in Business and Industry, Smith's Municipal Analyst All-Stars and twice testified as an expert on bonds in Federal Court. Former congressional aide in Washington, D.C. Learn more ...